
Voluntary Surrender 

Voluntary Surrender of Certification, License, or Registration

  • A regulated person may voluntarily surrender their certification, registration, or license through written notice to the Director. The Commission's approved surrender form must be completed fully and submitted to the Director. The Director may request additional information. 
  • The circumstances under which the certification, registration, or license is surrendered will be noted in the person's records with the Commission and will be taken into account if the person applies to reinstate in the future.
  • The voluntary surrender is effective after the Director reviews documents submitted and forwards it to the Licensing section for processing. The regulated person will receive written notice of the surrender effective date that their certification is no longer active. Once a certification, license, or registration is surrendered and approved by the Director, and the person will no longer be able to advertise or practice the services they were previously certified, licensed, or registered to practice.

To voluntarily surrender your certification, license, or registration, you must do the following:

  1. Submit a written request to:
  2. After your request is received, the Commission will send the Surrender License Form.
  3. Complete the Surrender License Form and return it with the following items:
    • a. certification card, and
    • b. wall certificate (if applicable).
  4. Mail the form and all required documents to the following address:

Judicial Branch Certification Commission
Attention: JBCC Director
205 W. 14th Street, Suite 600
Austin, TX 78701

Updated: 03/12/2025