Guardianship Certification

Continuing Education 

To search our list of approved continuing education courses, please go to the online certification and licensing system on our home page.

Inquiries Regarding Paperwork

Applications are processed as soon as possible, in the order of which they are received. Due to the volume of applications received, processing times can vary; therefore, we are unable to provide more specific timeframes.

Applicants must confirm receipt of their applications, the status of their applications, and their applications progress by referring to the View Pending Online Applications page of their online profiles. From this page, they can verify the following information 24/7:

  1. Confirm receipt of documents uploaded to their application by looking at the number reflect next to the Document(s) link.
    • If it shows (0), the document was not uploaded (i.e., it was not received).
    • If it shows (1), or any number other than 0, the document was uploaded (i.e., it has been received).
  2. Check their applications status.
    • By hovering their mouse over the status, they'll also be able to see descriptive text that explains what the status means.
  3. Check the progress of their applications status by clicking the View Details link.
    • This will show them which items on their application's checklist have been completed, and which are still pending.

Applicants are also sent automated email confirmations of successful application submission, and when applications are approved.

Inquiries for application status checks or receipt confirmation will not be replied to unless determined by staff that there’s been a delay in processing your application, and you have not received prior notification. We receive many of these inquiries and each email takes time to research and respond to which delays the processing of applications. Thank you for your understanding.

Continuing Education Requirements for Certified Guardians

  • (Fully) certified guardians must complete twelve hours of continuing education during each two-year certification period.
  • Provisionally certified guardians must complete twelve hours of continuing education during their two-year provisional certification period.

The twelve hours of continuing education must include two hours of ethics and one hour of legislative update. You can carry forward up to 4 hours of excess CE to your next certification period. Ethics and Legislative Update hours cannot be carried forward.

  • Example for fully certified guardians:
    • You are required to obtain 12 hours of CE, but you obtained 16 hours of approved CE for your 2024 renewal.
    • A maximum of the 4 excess hours of non-ethics\legislative update CE can be used towards your 2026 renewal as well.
    • You must select the course and upload the certificate again so that it is attached to your 2026 online renewal application.

  • Example for provisionally certified guardians:
    • You are required to obtain 12 hours of CE, but you obtained 16 hours during your 2-year provisional certification period. Those hours must be reported when you apply to be a fully certified guardian.
    • A maximum of the 4 excess hours of non-ethics\legislative update CE can be used towards your 2024-2026 full certification's renewal period.
    • You must select the course and upload the certificate again so that it is attached to your 2026 online renewal application.

Refer to sections 4.0 and 7.7 of the JBCC Rules for additional details on CE requirements.

Required Documentation for Continuing Education Approval for Providers and Certified Guardians

Credit is not granted for the following non-instruction time items:

  1. Introductions (i.e., introducing speakers, general housekeeping, etc.)
  2. Breaks (inclusive of lunch breaks)
  3. Tests (i.e., quizzes, exams, etc.)

The following two items must be submitted with course approval request applications submitted by CE providers and certified guardians.

  1. The course outline, which must include the following information, per the JBCC Rules: 
    • Describe course content (i.e., a detailed description of each session of the program)
    • Indicate the time allotted to each session.
      • The start and end time of each session of the program in quarter hours for in-person courses. For example,
        In-person hours: 8:00-8:15, 9:45-11:30, etc.
      • or listing each session duration using quarter hour increments for online courses. For example,
        Online course hours: 25 hrs., .50 hrs., .75, hrs., 1.0 hrs., 2.5 hrs., etc.
    • The date(s) the course will be, or was, offered.
        • For online courses offered on-demand, the dates offered are limited to a maximum of a 2-year window. 
        • For courses offered on specific dates, CE approval would only be for the dates offered, not to exceed 2-years. 
        • If you wish to offer the course again, you must reapply. You will be assigned a new program number.
    • The course location (i.e., city/state for in-person courses, or website for online courses).
    • Any sessions in ethics or legislative update must be identified on the outline as well.

  2. The Speaker Bios. 

CE Providers Applying for Continuing Education Course Approval 

Providers, online courses and in-person courses must be applied for separately. If you have a course you offered in-person and wish to offer all (or part of) it online, you must submit the required course approval form. Each will be assigned its own program number.

If you have never applied for course approval using our online system before, the first step will be to create your organization's online profile as a CE provider. To create the profile, you must do the following:

  1. Go to our online system.
  2. Select the Guardians tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Continuing Education Course Provider section.
  4. Click the Click here link. 
  5. Enter the name of your organization in the Provider Name field. This is the name you use as a course provider.
  6. Enter the mailing address, primary phone number, and primary email address for your organization.
    • You will not be able to update your contact information after you create your profile.
    • The primary email address is where communications from the JBCC will be sent.
    • We strongly discourage using a specific individual's email address, because when staff turnover occurs in your organization, the new designee will not be able to access the account. We recommend setting up an email for CE purposes and using that instead. You will be able to control who has access to it on your end, which helps ensure access to your organization's profile is not lost when your staff changes.
  7. Enter the Login Name you want to use for your profile. Your login name cannot be changed later.
  8. Enter the password you want to use for your profile.

When you have a CE provider profile in our system, you will simply login to your profile, click the CE Approval Request option on the What Do You Want to Do menu and follow instructions accordingly from there.

The following information must be included on the certificates of completion issued to attendees:

  • The JBCC assigned program number.
  • The name of the course provider.
  • The title of the course.
  • The date the attendee completed the course.
  • The number of hours completed by the attendee.
  • The list of sessions completed by the attendee.
  • The signature of the course provider.


Certified Guardians Applying for Continuing Education Course Approval 

Per section 4.3 of the JBCC Rules, a regulated person may request approval prior to the date the course is offered but no later than 30 days before the expiration of their certification, license, or registration.

Important Note: If the course is already approved (i.e., it already has a JBCC program number shown on the certificate), you do not have to apply for CE approval.

How to Submit Course Approval Applications Online

To apply for approval of a continuing education course, you must submit a request for CE approval by way of our online certification and licensing system located on our home page.

Please view the Watch How to Apply for CE Approval-Slideshow (pdf) on our website prior to starting the application process.

  1. Login to your online profile
  2. Click CE Approval Request
  3. Follow all instructions accordingly.

For Course Type, please one of the following:

  • Seminar,
  • Online, or
  • Other.

When submitting CE applications online, you must enter data in the "Course Location" field, as follows:

  • For in-person courses: enter just the city/cities (for TX courses), or city/cities and state (for non-TX courses).
  • For online courses: enter the website address where the course is offered.
  • Skip the City, State and Zip fields.

Entering the location this way helps to ensure it is displayed properly for those searching our system to see what is available in their area(s). 

Applications will be reviewed to determine compliance with Commission's rules.

Applicants will be notified of the determination via an automated email and should check their inbox (and spam folder) for the email.

Online Continuing Education Course Information

Course providers seeking approval of courses they're offering online must include the following information on their CE applications:

  • How they will track the time of each attendee to ensure credit for time actual participation time, and
  • How they will confirm the identity of the individual who signed up and the individual taking the course are the same.

Course Provider Options for Verifying Identification of Online Course Attendees:

  • Two-factor Authentication,
  • Proctored courses (live proctor or remote proctor), or
  • Photo identification required at sign up and at start of course.

Individuals seeking approval for online courses they've attended must include the following information on their CE applications:

  • How their time was tracked by the course provider to ensure credit is only granted for actual participation time, and
  • How their identity was verified by the course provider to ensure you are the same person that signed up for the course as well. 

CE Hours Calculations

Continuing education hours are to be calculated and reported in quarter hour increments. 

For example:

.25= 15 min., .50=30 min., .75=45 min., and 1 or 1.0=1 hr.



Updated: 03/12/2025