Licensed Court Interpreters

Initial Licensure 

Inquiries Regarding Paperwork

Applications are processed as soon as possible, in the order of which they are received. Due to the volume of applications received, processing times can vary; therefore, we are unable to provide more specific timeframes.

Applicants must confirm receipt of their applications, the status of their applications, and their applications progress by referring to the View Pending Online Applications page of their online profiles. From that page, they can verify the following information 24/7:

  1. Confirm receipt of documents uploaded to their application by looking at the number reflect next to the Document(s) link.
    • If it shows (0), the document was not uploaded (i.e., it was not received).
    • If it shows (1), or any number other than 0, the document was uploaded (i.e., it has been received).
  2. Check their applications status.
    • By hovering their mouse over the status, they'll also be able to see descriptive text that explains what the status means.
  3. Check the progress of their applications status by clicking the View Details link.
    • This will show them which items on their application's checklist have been completed, and which are still pending.

Applicants are also sent automated email confirmations of successful application submission, and when applications are approved.

Inquiries for application status checks or receipt confirmation will not be replied to unless determined by staff that there’s been a delay in processing your application, and you have not received prior notification. We receive many of these inquiries and each email takes time to research and respond to which delays the processing of applications. Thank you for your understanding.

Becoming a Licensed Court Interpreter

Texas does not have reciprocity with other states; however, those seeking information on certification by endorsement must submit inquiries to for information on this process. 

Applicants are solely responsible for ensuring they know all information required to become licensed, by ensuring to utilize all resources available to them (i.e., our website, rules, slideshows, any communications submitted to them by staff, etc.).

(NEW) Important Information regarding Applications for Licensure:

    • Rule 9.2(4), regarding initial applications being valid for 1 year has been removed from the JBCC Rules effective 11/17/23.
      • Those whose initial applications expired prior to 11/17/2023 will remain expired and must be resubmitted, along with the application fee, for the applicant continue moving forward with the licensure process.
      • Those whose applications are submitted on or after 11/17/2023 will not expire after 1 year.
To become a Licensed Court Interpreter, you must follow these steps in the order shown below:
  1. Complete one of the Commission Approved Orientation courses listed on our website, which prepares you for the written exam, before you can be eligible to take the LCI examination.
      • You must complete the course before applying for licensure.
      • You must contact the course providers directly for information such as how to register with them, when, where, and how much the course costs. 
      • You must retain a copy of your certificate of completion.
      • The orientation course is valid for 2 years from the completion date. An applicant who does not become licensed during that 2-year period must take the orientation course again.
  2. Submit the Application for Licensure and pay the application fee. 
    • You must apply for licensure via our online licensing and certification system.
    • Follow the prompts to create your JBCC profile. 
      • You must use your full legal name (i.e., the name indicated on your government issued identification or driver's license). Preferred names are not permitted.
      • Immediately after creating your profile, you will automatically be taken to the first page of the application for licensure.
      • You must upload a copy of your orientation course completion certification to your application.
      • Please see the Fees section of this page for information on amounts due, acceptable forms of payment, etc. 
        • When paying the application fee, on the Credit Card page of the application, the payment portal vendor requires you to enter the billing address on file with the credit card company of the cardholder.
  3. Pass a state and national criminal history background check.
    • You must get fingerprinted using the JBCC service code for the Licensed Court Interpreter's department so that we can obtain your background reports directly from DPS and the FBI.
      • Anything that doesn't have "TX-JBCC Licensed Court Interpreter Program" on it will not be accepted.
      • You will receive the service code form via the automated email confirmation that is sent immediately after submitting your application for certification.
        • You must check your inbox (and spam folder) for this correspondence. 
      • You must upload a copy of your fingerprinting receipt to your online application for licensure after you've completed the fingerprinting process and before registering for the exam. 
  4. Pass all parts of a Commission-approved examination.
    • Note: A passing score on the written examination is valid for 2 years. An applicant who does not become licensed during that 2-year period must pass the written examination again.
    • After you have submitted your application for licensure, uploaded your orientation completion certificate, and uploaded your fingerprint receipt, you can register for written the exam by logging into your online profile and clicking Apply for Exam on your profile's menu options.
    • You must pass the written exam prior to registering for the oral exam; therefore, you cannot register for the oral exam until after you've received your official written exam results.
      • The oral exam must be passed in one sitting. 
    • Refer to the Exams page of our website for additional information on exam registration procedures, exam fees, exam dates and deadlines, etc.

Refer to sections 3.0 and 9.0 of the JBCC Rules for more information on licensure and requirements, including timelines for applications, exam scores, and orientation courses.

Certification of Military Spouses, Military Service Members, and Military Veterans

Definitions per section 55.001 of Chapter 55 Occupations Code:

  • Military service member: a person who is on active duty.
    • Active Duty: current full-time military service in the armed forces of the United States or active-duty military service as a member of the Texas military forces
  • Military spouse: a person who is married to a military service member.
  • Military veteran: a person who has served on active duty and who was discharged or released from active duty.
  • License: a license, certificate, registration, permit, or other form of authorization required by law or a state agency rule that must be obtained by an individual to engage in a particular business.

The Commission may issue an initial certification to an applicant who is a military service member, spouse of a military service member, or a military veteran that:

  1. holds a current court interpreter certification, registration, or license issued by another state that has requirements substantially equivalent to Texas requirements, or
  2. within the 5 years preceding the date of application, held a court interpreter certification, registration or license in Texas.

If you do not meet one of the above two requirements, you are not eligible for the military applicant fee waiver and must pay all required fees.

To apply for Certification or Licensure as a military applicant, under sections 3.4 (a)-(g) of the JBCC Rules, you must do the following:

1. Submit the Application for Licensure via the online system on our home page.

    • Select the waiver option for Military Applicant. (Important Note: if you are deemed ineligible for this waiver, staff will invoice you for the application fee(s). The application will be withdrawn if the fee is not paid within 30 days of the invoice date.)

2. Submit all required documentation for the items indicated below:

a. Documentation of being a military service member, spouse, or veteran, (such as military ID or other official documentation confirming you as being a military spouse);

b. Proof of holding a current certification or license as a court interpreter in another state (such as a copy of your certification or license). You must be licensed or certified, in the other state, under the profession for which you seek licensure or certification in Texas. The documentation must verify you are certified or licensed, in the other state, to practice in the profession for which you are applying; 

c. A letter of good standing from your current certification or licensing authority;

d. Documentation showing a permanent change of station order for purposes of establishing residency;

e. Letters of recommendation or a resume showing your work experience;

f. Proof of passing your state’s certification or licensure exam (if applicable); and

g. Documentation of your state’s current certification or licensure requirements. (Note: the documentation must be from your state’s licensing authority. Applicants cannot create the documentation themselves.)

Note: If you were certified or licensed with the JBCC within 5 years of the date of your application, skip items a-g and, instead, upload proof of your prior Texas certification or license and the name you were certified or licensed under.

3. Pass a criminal history background check by DPS and the FBI. Applicants that apply for certification online will receive the service code form via the automated email confirmation they receive after submitting their application for certification. They should check their inbox (and spam folder) for this correspondence.

If eligible, under section 3.4 of the JBCC Rules, you may be waived from the examination requirement. The written knowledge portion of the examination pertains to Texas rules and procedures, which interpreters are required to know in order to become licensed. Depending on your experience, you may still be required to pass one or both portions of the examination.

To inquire about providing process server services as a military spouse applicant, under section 3.4 (h) of the JBCC Rules, you must submit your inquiry to the licensing specialist for this department at this email address: 

Licensure by Endorsement

Rule 3.3 (a) of the JBCC's Rules states: "The Commission may waive any prerequisite to obtaining a certification, registration, or license for an applicant after reviewing the applicant's credentials and determining that the applicant holds a certification, registration, or license issued by another jurisdiction that has certification, registration, or licensing requirements substantially equivalent to those of this State."

  • The certification by endorsement process does not extend to certifications held by associations.
  • The certification by endorsement process does not extend to those with an expired TX license. Please refer to section 3.2 (f)-(g) of the JBCC Rules for the requirements on how to reinstate a certification expired for 1 yr. or more.

To be eligible for Licensure by Endorsement you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be currently licensed (i.e., fully certified or licensed) by your state's licensing authority.
  2. Must be in good standing with your state's licensing authority.
  3. Must be currently licensed or certified as a Basic or Master level interpreter.
    • If your state does not specify those designations, we may use your test scores to determine the equivalent interpreter level in Texas. 
  4. Must be licensed or certified in a state with certification or licensure requirements which are substantially equivalent to Texas’ requirements.
  5. Must have 3 years of experience as a licensed or certified interpreter.
    • Alternatively, you must have passed the NCSC or your state's court interpreter's exam in one sitting.
    • You must complete a Texas approved pre-license orientation course if you have less than 3 years of interpreting experience. See the list of approved orientation courses on our website.
  6. Must have passed the NCSC exam in one sitting.
    • Alternatively, you must have passed your state's court interpreter's exam in one sitting, if the state’s exam requirements are equal to or greater than the Texas exam requirements.

If you do not meet the requirements established above, you may not be deemed eligible for licensure by endorsement and must pass the exam administered by JBCC staff. If you still wish to proceed with applying for licensure by endorsement, you must follow the procedures below. Please be advised that your application may be reviewed by our committee for a final determination. Application fees are non-refundable.

If you meet the requirements above, you may apply for Licensure by Endorsement prior to registering for the exam following the procedures established below:

1. Submit the Application for Licensure and pay the required fee via the online system on our home page.

2. Submit all required documentation for the items indicated below:

  • Verification from your licensing authority that your license is current and in good standing
  • Documentation from your licensing authority of the requirements for certification
  • Documentation from your licensing authority verifying the method of certification you’re licensed under (i.e., the language you are licensed to interpret.)
  • A copy of your resume
  • A copy of your exam results to verify the following:
    • the language you passed the exam under
    • the type of test passed (i.e., state, federal, or NCSC exam)
    • if the exam was passed in one sitting or in legs  
    • if the exam was passed at a basic or master level

3. Submit proof of the language you were licensed under in your other jurisdiction.

4. Pass a criminal history background check by DPS and the FBI.

    • Applicants that apply for certification online will receive the service code form via the automated email confirmation they receive after submitting their application for certification.
    • They should check their inbox (and spam folder) for this correspondence.

Once we have all these documents, your application will be reviewed, and a determination made. Court Interpreter applications for licensure by endorsement may be reviewed by the Court Interpreter Advisory Board on a case-by-case basis. You are welcome to submit additional documents that will help us to make a determination; for example: a description of what you did to become certified, any other certificates relating to license that you hold.

You may not have to take the test, depending on your endorsement eligibility determination. If you do have to take the test, please be aware that the Texas oral skills exam consists of three parts. All three parts must be taken at one sitting, and a passing score received on each part. Should you have questions not addressed online, please submit inquiries to

Criminal History

Criminal History FAQ's

All new applicants, and those renewing their certifications are required to obtain one-time electronic Fingerprinting through the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). Fees for these services are paid at the time your fingerprints are taken. The results of the DPS and FBI fingerprint searches will be sent directly to the Commission.

Please refer to the Certification & Licensure Criminal History FAQ's page for additional information. 

You do not need to have your fingerprints taken again once you have been fingerprinted. Upon receipt of your application and required payment, staff will request a new criminal history report and the results will be sent directly to the Commission.

Refer to section 3.5 of the JBCC Rules for additional details on this requirement.

Under section 3.5 (a) of the JBCC Rules, an initial or renewal application may be denied, and a regulated person may be disciplined, if the person's criminal history or other information indicates that the person lacks the honesty, trustworthiness, or integrity to hold the certification, registration, or license.

Please be aware that we must have an application from you before we can provide the instructions, service code and disclosure language that is required to make your fingerprinting appointment.

When you submit your application for certification online, an automated email confirmation will be sent to your primary email address. This automated email will contain the code and instructions you need to get fingerprinted. Please check your inbox (and spam folder) for this correspondence.

Do not rely on information or forms that you receive from a source other than the JBCC. Doing so may result in your having to be re-fingerprinted, and thus delays in processing your application.


Your approval to provide court interpreting services will expire two (2) years after the last day of the month of certification and, upon expiration, unless renewed, your name will be removed from the list of certified court interpreters in our online licensing system.

Reinstatement of License Expired 1 year or More

See section 3.2 of the JBCC Rules for a certification (license) or registration that has been expired for 1 yr. or more.

Important Note: Before starting the reinstatement process, you must email the licensing specialist at so they can reactivate your profile, thereby allowing you to submit the application online.

Reinstating an Expired Court Interpreter License

When initially applying to reinstate an expired license under option #1, do not create a first-time applicant profile in our online system. Instead, you must do the following as an existing certification to start the licensure process over again.

There are 2 options for reinstating a license expired for 1 year or longer. 

Option #1 (online only): Applicants reinstating an expired license must meet the same requirements as new applicants if they do not meet the requirements established under option #2 below.

  1. Login to your existing certification profile in the online licensing system
    • If you do not know your login credentials, follow the instructions in section XIII of the pdf Guide to Using the Online System located on the home page of our website to obtain your login name and reset your password.
    • If you've never created an online profile, email staff so they can provide the instructions you need to create one. Once your profile is created, proceed to the step below.
  2. Click the button to apply for new certification and pay the application fee.
    • When paying the application fee on the Credit Card page of the application, the payment portal vendor requires you to enter the billing address on file with the credit card company of the cardholder.
  3. Click the button to apply for the exam and pay the exam fee.

Option #2 (online only): Former TX court interpreters who moved out of state and are returning may reinstate without examination only if you meet the following criteria:

  1. You were licensed in Texas prior to moving out of state;
  2. You are currently licensed in the other state;
  3. You have been practicing court interpreting in the other state for a period of at least 1 year preceding the date of application for (re)certification in Texas; and,
  4. Your license is currently in good standing.

If you meet the criteria in option #2 you may become recertified in Texas by following the procedures below:

  1. Login to your existing certification profile in the online licensing system

    • If you do not know your login credentials, follow the instructions in section XIII of the pdf Guide to Using the Online System located on the home page of our website to obtain your login name and reset your password.
    • If you've never created an online profile, email staff so they can provide the instructions you need to create one. Once your profile is created, proceed to the step below.
  2. Click the button to apply for new certification and follow the instructions accordingly.
  3. Submit the required copies of your CE documentation (i.e., copies of your certificates of attendance) by uploading it to the Additional Supporting Documents portion of your application.
  4. Submit all required paperwork to the Commission (along with documentation confirming the above four criteria) by uploading it to the Additional Supporting Documents portion of your application. Please refer to section 3.2 (g) of the JBCC Rules for details.
  5. Pay to the commission a fee that is equal to twice the normally required renewal fee. 
    • When paying the application fee on the Credit Card page of the application, the payment portal vendor requires you to enter the billing address on file with the credit card company of the cardholder.
    • Note: the online app will assess the initial $200 fee, and the remaining amount due will be assessed via a staff generated invoice so that the total you pay will be twice the normally required renewal fee.

Should you have questions not addressed online, please submit inquiries to


All fees are non-refundable. However, if you have a fee dispute you must submit it to for resolution.

Application Fee: $200.00

Acceptable forms of payment:  Credit Card

Updated: 03/12/2025