Process Server Certification


Inquiries Regarding Paperwork

Applications are processed as soon as possible, in the order of which they are received. Due to the volume of applications received, processing times can vary; therefore, we are unable to provide more specific timeframes.

Applicants must confirm receipt of their applications, the status of their applications, and their applications progress by referring to the View Pending Online Applications page of their online profiles. From this page, they can verify the following information 24/7:

  1. Confirm receipt of documents uploaded to their application by looking at the number reflect next to the Document(s) link.
    • If it shows (0), the document was not uploaded (i.e., it was not received).
    • If it shows (1), or any number other than 0, the document was uploaded (i.e., it has been received).
  2. Check their applications status.
    • By hovering their mouse over the status, they'll also be able to see descriptive text that explains what the status means.
  3. Check the progress of their applications status by clicking the View Details link.
    • This will show them which items on their application's checklist have been completed, and which are still pending.

Applicants are also sent automated email confirmations of successful application submission, and when applications are approved.

Inquiries for application status checks or receipt confirmation will not be replied to unless determined by staff that there’s been a delay in processing your application, and you have not received prior notification. We receive many of these inquiries and each email takes time to research and respond to which delays the processing of applications. Thank you for your understanding.

Important Information

  • Applicants are solely responsible for ensuring they know all information required to renew, by ensuring to utilize all resources available to them (i.e., our website, rules, renewal notices, slideshows, any communications submitted to them by staff, etc.).
  • Under section 4.3(k)(9), courses completed prior to the first renewal period of the applicant cannot be used for renewal purposes.
    • For example: the new applicant completed the course on 07/01/24. They become certified on 07/01/25. Courses completed prior to 07/01/25 cannot be used for renewal purposes.
  • Applicants cannot use the same CE course during the same renewal period.
  • Renewals must be submitted online. We will email a reminder notice to the primary email address on file approximately 90 days before your expiration date. After you receive your renewal notice, you will be able to apply online for renewal of your certification.
    • Ensure to check your inbox (and spam folder) for your notice.
    • Applications cannot be submitted prior to receiving your renewal notice.
  • Per sections 152.2015 of the Government Code, 3.2 (a) and 3.14 of the JBCC Rules be advised that you cannot perform work requiring a certification, registration, or a license if it has expired. You are considered renewed when your application is processed (i.e., approved), not when it is received. Due to the volume of applications received by our office, we strongly recommend that you submit your renewal application, all required documentation, and all applicable fees at least 30 days prior to your expiration date, especially during the holidays.
  • If you have previously started a renewal application but did not finish it, you must withdraw it if:
    • you started your online application before your certification expired, but didn't submit it before you expired. In this instance, you must withdraw the unsubmitted application, then start a new one if your certification has not been expired for a year or more.
    • you started your online application before your certification expired, but didn't submit it before you expired. In this instance, you must withdraw the unsubmitted application and cannot submit new one if your certification has been expired for a year or more
  • When reporting your CE, do not report each session for the seminar you attended, we will obtain that from your certificate of attendance. You must only report (i.e., select) the name of the seminar you attended. You will find the title of the seminar on your certificate of attendance.
  • Up to 4 hours of the excess CE reported from your most recent CE compliance period can be carried over to your current renewal period as long as the CE was not in ethics.
    • To clarify, this means, if you reported12 hours of JBCC approved CE for your 2024 renewal, a maximum of 4 of the excess hours of non-ethics CE can be used towards your 2026 renewal.
    • You must select the course and upload the certificate again so that it is attached to your 2026 online renewal application though.
  • You are not considered renewed until your application has been processed. Once your paperwork is processed, an automated email will be sent to the primary address on file. You can track your status via our online system. We strongly recommend that you check your email (including your spam folder) and/or the online system, prior to reporting to work to ensure you are renewed. Providing services without a valid certification is a violation of the rules and may result in disciplinary actions. Staff will notify you via email if there are insufficiencies with your renewal that requires action on your end.
  • Not receiving a renewal notice is not grounds for an extension of time or exemption from additional fees. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that you have all items and information necessary to timely renew your certification. To confirm your expiration date please refer to your certification card, registration certificate, or search for your information in our online system located on the home page of our website.
  • Under the Commission's rules, you must maintain your CE documentation for 3 years. There are no provisions in the rules for a waiver from obtaining continuing education credit to renew your certification.
  • Please submit all inquiries regarding your renewal via email to:
  • To confirm receipt and track your application status, please refer to the online certification and licensing system. Log in to your profile, go to the link for viewing pending online applications, and you can see your status there.

Renewal Requirements

Before starting your online renewal application, you must review the "Watch How to Apply for Renewal-Slideshow" on the home page of our website, for step-by-step instructions on the online renewal process (including how to upload CE).

To renew your certification, you must do the following in the order listed below:

  1. Continuing education requirement. Obtain 8 hours of JBCC approved continuing education, inclusive of 2 hours in ethics, during your 2-year certification period. Up to 4 hours of excess eligible CE can be carried forward towards your renewal period. Ethics CE cannot be carried forward.
  2. Submit the Application for Renewal of Certification and pay the renewal fee. You must apply for renewal via our online licensing and certification system. For the link to access the online system, instructions on how to apply online, and how to report CE with your renewal.
    • Please see the Fees section of this page for information on amounts due, acceptable forms of payment, etc. The appropriate renewal fee must accompany the application to be certified to serve civil process for a two-year period and any timely application.
      • When paying the application fee on the Credit Card page of the application, the payment portal vendor requires you to enter the billing address on file with the credit card company of the cardholder.
  3. Upload copies of CE documentation to your online application for renewal. The following information must be included on your certificates of completion:
    1. The JBCC assigned program number.
    2. The name of the course provider.
    3. The title of the course.
    4. The date you completed the course.
    5. The number of hours you completed.
    6. The list of sessions you completed.
    7. The signature of the course provider.
  4. Pass a criminal history background check with DPS and the FBI. 
    • Staff will email the required form needed to schedule their fingerprinting appointment to applicants who have not yet been fingerprinted for the JBCC, after we’ve received their applications.
    • If you've already been fingerprinted for the JBCC's Process Server Certification Department, you are not required to be fingerprinted again.

Please refer to the Certification & Renewal section of our Frequently Asked Questions page for additional information on the CE requirement.

Late Renewals

  • An individual whose certification has been expired for 90 or less may renew for 1½ times the normally required renewal fee.
  • An individual whose certification has been expired more than 90 days but less than one year may renew for twice the normally required renewal fee.
  • If your certification is not renewed within a year of expiration, you will be required to meet the requirements for a new certification.
  • There are no provisions in rule or statute to extend expiration dates.
  • Exceptions will not be granted, and fees will not be waived, refunded, or transferred. Please refer to section 3.2 of the JBCC Rules for more information.

Military Applicants

Definition per section 55.001 of Chapter 55 Occupations Code:

  • Military service member: a person who is on active duty.
    • Active Duty: current full-time military service in the armed forces of the United States or active-duty military service as a member of the Texas military forces

Military Service Members whose certifications have expired can request additional time to meet renewal requirements only if:

  • They email a request for additional time to We recommend emailing your request at least 90 days after expiration (however, there’s no deadline to do so in statute),
    • The request must include how much additional time is being requested.

If they establish, to the satisfaction of the JBCC, that they failed to renew the certification or license in a timely manner because they were serving as a military service member (i.e., active-duty service) the request may be granted. Staff will email the determination to the application as soon as possible.

Criminal History

Criminal History FAQ

New criminal history reports are required when you apply for renewal.  You do not need to have your fingerprints taken again once you have been fingerprinted for purposes of process server certification under the JBCC.  Upon receipt of your application and payment, staff will request a new criminal history report and the results will be sent directly to the Commission.


All fees are non-refundable. However, if you have a fee dispute you must submit it to for resolution.

Process Server Renewal Fees
Timely Renewals $200.00
Expired 90 days or less $300.00
Expired 91 days to 1 year $400.00

Acceptable forms of payment: Credit Card or Debit Card

Updated: 03/12/2025