Judicial Branch Certification Commission

Request for Records 

The Judicial Branch Certification Commission is a judicial branch entity. As such, it is not subject to the Public Information Act (Government Code Chapter 552), but to Rule 12 of the Rules of Judicial Administration.

The Commission regulates, and maintains records, for the judicial professions listed below. 

  • Certified Court Reporters
  • Licensed Court Interpreters
  • Certified (professional) Guardians
  • Certified Process servers

Records Not Maintained by the JBCC

  • Court Records.
    • These may be obtained from the court where the case was heard.
      • Example: Requests for divorce records, custody records, or case records you need must be submitted to the court that heard the case.
  • Criminal History Records.

Under section 155.155 Government Code, information contained within the JBCC online system, regarding Guardianship Registrations, is confidential and therefore not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552 or any other law. 

Tips for Contacting the JBCC

Contact by Email:

The following tips can help staff to clearly determine what assistance is needed so they can better assist you and can also help to prevent your correspondence from being tagged as suspicious and being quarantined before we can see it.

  • Include your first and last name so we know with whom we’re corresponding.
  • Include a subject that briefly indicates what the email pertains to. Please do not leave the subject line blank, or use generic subjects such as "Help", "Document", or other non-descript titles. 
  • Provide details regarding the matter for which you need assistance.
  • If your inquiry pertains to a records request you submitted, please include the date you submitted the request form.
  • If you must attach any documents, please ensure to name them in a way which clearly identifies the document. For example, a good name would be “Records Request for Jane Doe”. Examples of bad names would be “JBCC”, “123456789”, “abcdefg”, “document”, or other non-descript names.
    • Submit documents by way of attaching them to the email in pdf or word format.
    • Do not submit documents by way of external links (i.e., linking to a cloud such as Adobe, One drive, or other equivalent source). For security purposes, we cannot open such documents.

Contact by Phone:

The following tips can help staff to clearly determine what assistance is needed so they can better assist you.

  • Include your first and last name so we know with whom we’re corresponding.
  • Provide a detailed message regarding the matter for which you need assistance.
  • If your inquiry pertains to a records request you submitted, please include the date you submitted the request form.

Thank you, in advance, for your understanding and cooperation.

Complete the Request for Information form below and submit it to:

  • Email: jbcc@txcourts.gov, or
  • Mail to:

    Judicial Branch Certification Commission
    Attn: Record Requests
    PO Box 12066
    Austin, TX 78711-2066

Request for Records Form (pdf)

  • Please make your request as specific as possible. The more specific your request, the better we'll be able to determine which records to pull for you.
  • You can locate contact information, or a list of those certified, licensed, or registered with the Commission, via our online licensing system on the home page of our website.
    • Just scroll down and click the Search for Licensees option on the JBCC Home menu.
      • Searches can be conducted by name, or certification numbers. When searching by certification number, you must include the prefix and the number. For example, CSR-1234, LCI-1234, CG-1234, PG-1234, or PSC-1234.
    • If you are unable to locate the information online, please complete and submit the Request for Records Form. Please note that our office only provides business contact information (if available). 
  • Please do not include the reason for the request as that information is not required.
  • Under Rule 12, requests are to be processed within 14 days. Should there be any delays in processing requests, you will be notified in writing.
  • Once your request has been reviewed, you will receive an invoice of the estimated cost (if payment is required for your request.)
    • Upon receipt of your written agreement to pay fees and authorization for the Commission to process your request, we will proceed accordingly.
    • Upon completion, you will receive an invoice of the actual cost.
    • Once payment is received, we will forward your requested records.
Updated: 03/12/2025